Remember when we set ninth grade reading level as the minimum for most of our Gen Ed courses? It has been over three years now. I would love to hear from instructors as to how that has worked out in your classes. Since most of the books we use are written at the 13.0 or 14.0 level (and some are even higher), that means students are facing text with a sophistication and vocabulary level that they may have never been exposed to before. Are they understanding what they are reading? Or are they avoiding the reading assigned?
I have been teaching the lower level reading courses ENG 083 and 083 for four years now. During that time, I have tried Humanities theme-based readers, biographies, fiction, and actual reading textbooks. When I used the readers, many of the students could not understand the essays well enough to determine the thesis, to outline the content, and to examine the arguments. As a result, I have resorted to finding my own selection of articles and essays that I think they will be able to comprehend.
Here is the dilemma. The students in my classes have the basics down. They can read sentences and paragraphs. They can sound out words, and they know how to use dictionaries (not that they are using them frequently). However, they do not know how to wrestle with new information, with arguments, both well-founded and fallacious, and with author tone and purpose. They also do not know how to adapt their reading skills for various disciplines. Reading a chemistry textbook requires a different style of reading than reading a history book which should be read differently than a novel. Most of our students do not have that level of sophistication. For them, reading is more passive than active, eyes moving across the page in the correct direction. Comprehension requires active reading, engaged with and questioning new information. Critical thinking needs be practiced as they adapt to new reading situations. This is not covered well in most reading textbooks.
The College Reading and Learning Association just published a white paper that speaks to this very issue:
An important aspect of increasing the effectiveness of developmental reading is tied to pedagogical choices. It has been estimated that as much as 85% of college learning is dependent upon active, careful reading (Simpson & Nist, 2000). The average reading load for college students is between 150-200 pages a week (Burrell, Tao, Simpson, & Mendez-Berrueta, 1996). However, much of the instruction in developmental reading courses has traditionally centered on a transmission model of teaching isolated reading skills, such as selecting main idea, identifying fact and opinion statements, and other sub-skills (Armstrong & Newman, 2011; Maxwell, 1997), despite calls for a more strategic or process-based approach (Simpson, Stahl, & Francis, 2004). Research results on skills-based instruction show little to no improvement on students’ reading ability upon completion of these remedial courses (Merisotis & Phipps, 2000). Such an approach cannot adequately prepare students because the tasks of college vary widely across disciplines and purposes and students are expected to engage and interpret text of increasing difficulty (Attewell, Lavin, Domina, & Levey, 2006; Eckert, 2011). (6-7)After reading this paper, I was reaffirmed regarding what I was intuiting about the typical developmental reading textbooks. The approach to skills is inefficient, unsuccessful in the long run, and actually aimed the wrong direction. I and my students get bored quickly with the mundane tasks and assignments. Thus, I am ready once again to scrap the textbook for a more holistic approach to reading instruction. to me, the main goal of instruction should be to build up the reading fluency of our students. The kind of reading sophistication that our students need takes time and immersion in written text.
Notice that the quote above says the "average reading load for college students is 150-200 pages a week." Many of the students enrolling in our college for the first time have not read that many pages in a year, much less "turned a page" (I would include all of the good reading to be found in the Internet) during the summer prior to classes. I would propose that this is not the fault of their prior education, but a reflection of our culture: our society does not encourage reading as a valuable activity. Our students have so many more "interesting" options that are far more social in nature as seen in one of my favorites by Scott and Borgman:

I will be going back to working on building that reading fluency, using the most interesting texts that I can find that will promote active reading and enjoyment. If I can get them hooked on the value (... and dare I say "joy") of reading, then I will have achieved my personal goal for the classes.
Having said all of this, I would encourage you to consider how you might utilize those first few reading assignments each semester to train your students how to read in your discipline. How does a biologist read scientific texts? How does a historian read a primary document? How does a sociologist read a research study? Trust me, our students don't know, and one semester in a reading class will not prepare them for every field of study.
If you have a typical 3-5 page reading, be it an essay or a chapter in a book, that you assign to your students, I would love to have a copy to use in my classes. In the meantime, I am going to look for books and ebooks, articles and essays, that will help develop reading fluency.